Munday and Cramer


Architecture for Dentists: 3 Key Considerations for This Type of Project

Every architecture project is different, with varying considerations based on both functional and aesthetic needs. As such, it’s always important to work with a team who has experience within your particular sector. Looking for a specialist to help with architecture for dentists? We’re here to help! In today’s blog post, our team discusses the 3 most crucial considerations for any dentistry architecture project. Building A Friendly Environment Going to the dentist can often be quite an uncomfortable experience for many. Research suggests that 1 in 20 people in the UK have health anxiety, and this number is set to rise. […]

Image of a dentist at work to introduce our blog titled 'architecture for dentists'.

Commercial Facilities Management: Building Your FM Plan for 2024

When it comes to owning a property, the last thing you want to do is neglect it. Afterall, buildings are financial investments. As such, commercial facilities management is vital if you want to take good care of your assets. With January just a few weeks away, there is little time left to get your facilities management (FM) in order. To help you on your way, however, our team have put together this guide including everything that should be in your FM plan. Safety One of the main aims of commercial facilities management, is safety. It is the job of your […]

Image to depict commercial facilities management

Eco-Friendly Architecture: Designing for a Greener Tomorrow

With technological advances moving as quick as they are, every industry is constantly evolving. This is especially true with many of us now more environmentally conscious than ever before. Over the last few years, we have played a part in lots of eco-friendly architecture projects and it’s safe to say they’re a firm favourite among our team! This being said, there are more elements to consider than you may at first think… 4 Considerations for Truly Sustainable Architecture Project  Eco-friendly architecture goes much further than being mindful of the materials being used. Below are 4 areas of consideration you may […]

Image to depict eco-friendly architecture

Academic Architecture: 5 Considerations When Designing Educational Facilities

There’s a lot that goes into academic architecture projects and building new educational facilities. With a growing population, there is also an ever-growing need for more spaces within the education system. As such, architects that specialise in this area are in high demand. As expert, RIBA qualified architects, we thought it would be good to detail a few of the many considerations that come when faced with a school design and build… Safety and Security All educational facilities have a strict duty of care for their pupils. As such, safety and security are crucial considerations during the planning phase of […]

Image of academic architecture

Navigating the Application Process for the Condition Improvement Fund in London

With the application deadline fast approaching, schools may be wondering how to maximise bids for the condition improvement fund in London. This capital funding is also commonly known as CIF. Eligible academies, sixth-form colleges and voluntary-aided (VA) schools, can apply to ensure their buildings are in safe shape for students. In some cases, funding may be allocated for expansion projects. As you can imagine, it’s a competitive process and further professional advice is required to bolster your bid. Strategies for a Successful Bid for the Condition Improvement Fund in London Earlier this year, the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) […]

Image of school to introduce blog titled 'Condition Improvement Fund in London'

5 Considerations for Church Architecture

There is always a lot to consider with any design project. However, when it comes to church architecture, this is even further exacerbated. Many places of worship that already exist have stood for so long that they are now listed buildings. This in itself creates a plethora of limitations when it comes to extending or renovating. Furthermore, even the process of building a brand new church brings with it lots of different key considerations. 5 Considerations for Church Architecture Here at Munday and Cramer, we have played a part in many architecture projects taking place within places of worship. As […]

Image of church architecture

Fire Safety In Schools

Why do buildings need fire stopping solutions? Fire stopping products are used to prevent fire and smoke spreading through a building. Similarly, they help keep key areas such as fire exit corridors protected. Penetrations through walls etc. for infrastructure such as pipework, cables and gas pipes, if not properly fireproofed can allow smoke and fire to spread, however small the aperture! The Challenge: M+C helped their client secure CIF funding for fire stopping solutions to be implemented across their site. In conjunction with Cahill Design Consultants (CDC), a number of key issues that compromised fire safety were identified: Within the main teaching […]

Picture of Nullifier FS709 Sealant with M+C helmet with a zoom effect.

Care Home Architecture: Finding a Balance Between Aesthetics and Functionality

When designing any building, there are two key things to consider – aesthetics and functionality. The same is true for care home architecture. This being said, finding the right balance between the two is easier said than done. In today’s blog post, we explore 4 key considerations for these kinds of projects… 4 Considerations for Care Home Architecture Safeguarding Features When running or managing a care home, you have a duty of care for the people who are living within the facility. With this in mind, during the care home architecture process, security and safeguarding need to be a key […]

Example of care home architecture

Bid Applications in Kent: Applying for CIF Funding

With plenty of schools confronting condition issues up and down the country, the need for CIF funding has never been so great. Due to this, competition for the next round of the Condition Improvement Fund is high. With limited funds, many schools are turning to specialists for help with bid applications in Kent. If you’re looking for support and guidance, look no further! Bid Applications in Kent The announcement for the next round of CIF funding (2024-2025) was announced a few weeks ago, with deadlines coming around thick and fast. All new applicants must have registered for an account by […]

Image of school to introduce blog titled 'Bid Applications in Kent'

Famous Architecture and Design in London

At Munday + Cramer, we’re often asked whether there’s a difference between architecture and design. By definition, architecture is “the art and practice of designing and making buildings.” As such, architecture is itself a design journey – but the process also focuses on the functional and regulatory requirements as well as aesthetics. This question led to our team discussing some of the best-known buildings that incorporate innovative architecture and design across the UK’s capital. Iconic British Buildings Britain has many landmarks that it’s known for, particularly across the London skyline. These span many centuries of architectural movements. Key examples include: […]

Image of the O2 Arena, an example of famous architecture and design