Munday and Cramer


Recent Funding Changes And What It Means For Bid Applications

The educational landscape has been in flux in recent years. The grants and funding available to establishments very much hinge not only on the type of work needed doing, but on the type of school, itself. As more schools change from one type to another, some funding pots grow whilst others shrink. Throw into that mix significant changes to the funding schemes, themselves, as well as the current situation regarding COVID-19 and you can quickly lose track of what is available to whom, and when it is available. The team here at Munday + Cramer, technical specialists in bid applications […]

Changes to bid applications

The Importance Of Wellbeing Support For Professionals

In recent years, we’ve seen a marked increase in the coverage of mental health issues in the general public discourse. This has been wonderful to see and, speaking plainly, something that was long overdue. After all, mental health is something that’s omnipresent and its associated conditions – anxiety and depression, for example – don’t discriminate when it comes to who they impact. They affect anybody. A person’s mental wellbeing is something that’s impacted upon by many different factors, and ensuring positive mental wellbeing should be paramount within the workplace. Here at Munday + Cramer, whether it be our CIAT-qualified technicians, […]

The Importance Of Wellbeing Support For Professionals Such As Building Surveyors

Unable To Move? Here’s What You Can Do

What with such uncertainty surrounding our lives at the moment, any control that we can take back should be thought of as a massive positive! If, as a country we’re met with something like a recession, it’s good to know what to expect so that you can better prepare yourself and respond proactively should one occur. In economic terms, a recession can be thought of as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. When they hit, they bring with them several key impacts. Amongst other things, recessions lead to widespread unemployment, businesses going bankrupt and a significant drop in consumer […]

Advice from RIBA-qualified architects

Keeping Compliant For The Lockdown And Beyond

The outbreak of COVID-19 has already led to truly global impacts. These impacts are not only health-related, but are being experienced within the world of economics and in social and cultural sectors as well. What’s worse is that the anxiety we’re all experiencing is only being further fuelled by the lack of certainty surrounding the situation. Uncertainty that politicians are unable to assuage, try though they might. We can be sure of certain things, however: this pandemic will eventually pass, life will go back to a semblance of normality and as with everything, life will go on. Unfortunately, beyond those […]

Keeping Facilities Management Compliant For The Lockdown And Beyond

Coronavirus Business Update

Further to the ongoing advice of the UK Government and Public Health England, our offices are closed. We understand that this is an unprecedented situation but want to reassure clients that we have a robust business continuity plan in place that will enable us to minimise the impact of our service to you and your business and will continue to communicate with you regarding any updates. Our people have the tools and technology they need to work remotely. Please continue to email or call your usual contacts, or to phone our offices on 01245 326 200. FM clients can still […]

M+C have implemented extensive business continuity processes in light of the current Covid-19 situation

Improving Efficiency Within The Education Sector Using Salix Loans

We’re continuously being updated, through various facets of the media, on the importance of making proactive environmental changes in our lives and workplaces, as a means to ensure the future good health of the planet’s climate. Unfortunately, these sorts of capital improvements, which often come in the form of plant and equipment changes, tend not to come too cheap. Looking at schools in particular, many of the state sector’s school estates are becoming increasingly energy inefficient. This costs the planet in both the immediate future and the longer-term. It also costs the school as well, financially speaking. That’s where Salix […]

Salix Loans & Bid Applications

A Detailed Look At Bid Applications Within The Education Sector

Bid applications are a means of securing additional funding throughout the various public sectors. There are a variety of biddable schemes through which extra funding can be sought, the appropriateness of which depends entirely on the project at hand. Securing these additional funds is a complex process, and entails a comprehensive bidding process. Munday + Cramer are experts in procuring successful bid applications for the schools, colleges and academies that need them most. Their work also extends to sectors extraneous to the education sector. In a time where the education sector is being placed under increasing strain, the necessity for […]

A Look At Bid Applications Within The Education Sector

The Intricacies Of Facilities Management

Facilities management (FM) is an essential, yet lesser-known facet of ‘facility’ operations that is prevalent across every sector throughout the world. It’s especially important within the commercial, educational and residential sectors. Traditionally, FM has been shunted down the list of a business’ priorities and building issues are dealt with as and when they arise usually by an office manager or administrator. However, it makes shrewd business sense, to outsource a business’ FM needs to an external, specialist company such as Munday + Cramer in order to make the crucial process a priority. This blog will go into a little more […]

The Intricacies Of Facilities Management

The Outbreak Of COVID-19 & The Relevance Of Thorough Facilities Management

The global outbreak of Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has become huge news over the past couple of months. Whilst it originally broke out in China’s Hubei province, the virus has proceeded to spread the world over. There have now been confirmed cases in six of the world’s seven continents – Antarctica, unsurprisingly, is the only exception. The UK has not been exempt from this outbreak. The number of confirmed cases across the United Kingdom is increasing daily. At the time of writing, there have been 18,083 people tested. Of this number, 17,968 returned negative tests, whilst 115 people have […]

The Importance Of Facilities Management During The COVID-19 Outbreak

Why Environmental Design Matters Now More Than Ever In The New Decade

Environmentally speaking, we live in truly unprecedented times. The global climate crisis is accelerating at a previously unheard of rate. Climate activists such as Greta Thunberg have taken centre stage in recent months. In doing so, they’ve put the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons and ruffling the feathers of various world leaders as she’s done so. Her actions have even garnered the attention of such national treasures as David Attenborough, no less! Awareness is one thing; action is quite another. The upshot is that, as a society, we need to take greater collective responsibility in how we treat the planet. […]

Munday + Cramer's environmental design