Munday and Cramer

All posts by Verri Berri

5 Top Tips for Successful Bid Applications in London

Starting to think about applying for the next round of CIF? Any day now, the guidance for the 2024/25 round of funding is likely to be announced. As such, many of you are probably gearing up to prepare your bid application in London. Feeling a little overwhelmed? We’re here to help! 5 Top Tips for Your Bid Application in London For the greatest chance of success, it always pays to work alongside a team of expert bid writers like Munday + Cramer. Here they have shared a few top tips you should consider for a successful application: Be Clear, Concise, […]

Image of school hall to introduce our blog 'Bid Applications in London'

Medieval Architecture in the Harry Potter Films

As the nights draw in, the air gets chillier, and with Halloween fast approaching, our team at Munday + Cramer have been discussing the influence of medieval architecture in the Harry Potter films. Both the books and movies evoke a nostalgic feeling for fans of the franchise, with the sets showcasing the true art of medieval design. Architecture styles featured in Harry Potter The books lay the groundwork for the production design through their descriptive and immersive storytelling. In the films, the sets begin by depicting the average 20th Century British home – seemingly influenced by postmodern architecture with a nod to slightly bland 1970s décor. As Harry learns he is a wizard and begins to discover […]

Image of Medieval architecture

Facility Management Services in Essex: Getting Your School Autumn Ready

Despite the fact we are already part-way into October, the weather is still yet to cool to normal temperatures for this time of year. However, the weather forecast is showing a steady drop towards the end of this week. With this in mind, you’re likely to be on the hunt for facility management services in Essex to help make sure that your school is ready for the colder months ahead. Keep on reading for our autumn-ready checklist! What is Facilities Management? Providers of facility management services in Essex, like the team we have here at M + C, are responsible […]

Image of a school building to introduce our blog 'Facility Management Services in Essex'

ESFA Funding: The Next Round Of CIF Funding

When it comes to state school funding, resources are few and far between. As such, schemes such as CIF are more important than ever before. ESFA funding remains very limited, with only a handful of educational facilities being granted this backing annually. Due to the above, submitting a faultless bid is crucial for the survival of your school. Who Are The ESFA?  The ESFA are a department within the government that deal with the allocation of funding within the education and skills sector. This acronym stands for the Education and Skills Funding Agency. The ESFA was once split into two […]

Image of school to introduce our blog 'ESFA Funding'

Tudor Style House: The Main Characteristics of Tudor Architecture

When it comes down to the Tudor style house, this type of architecture is much loved by everyone. Particularly popular here in the UK and in Northern America, the characteristics of these builds are truly timeless. What’s more, they’re arguably more distinctive than any other build style. The History of Tudor Architecture It should come as no surprise that the Tudor architecture was established during the Tudor period that ran from 1485-1603. This style was the last of all medieval architecture in England and Wales. Some specialists even say that this introduced Renaissance architecture to the United Kingdom, broadening our […]

Image of a Tudor style house

Function Or Form? Where to Begin with Healthcare Design

When it comes to healthcare design, there is a plethora of different things to consider. What’s more, these projects are often carried out with only a tight, strict budget to hand. Fortunately, the team here at Munday + Cramer are well equipped to take on any challenge that comes our way! Key Aspects to Consider  With so many different patients walking through your door and regulations upon regulations to adhere to, getting the right balance with your architecture can be tricky. Below, our experts have listed 3 of the main aspects to consider during any healthcare design project… Hygiene  One of […]

Image of doctors room to depict healthcare design

What are chartered surveyors?

Buying a new home will likely be the biggest financial commitment you ever make. With this in mind, it’s important to ensure you’re getting what you pay for. The last thing you want is to have to fork out for additional repair costs down the line. More often than not, this means calling in a surveyor to assess it for any defects or future problems. If you really want to be thorough, however, you’ll want to be using a chartered surveyor instead. But what are chartered surveyors?  What Is A Chartered Surveyor? To qualify as a chartered surveyor, you must […]

Image to introduce our blog titled 'What are chartered surveyors?'

Sustainable Building: Reducing your carbon footprint

Every sector is striving to achieve greater levels of sustainability and the construction industry is no exception. According to a study, building a new house creates between 15 and 100 tons of carbon dioxide, contributing to the gradual decline of the planet. With advancements in technology and research, however, sustainable building is more accessible than ever. Below are just a few considerations for your next project. Reducing and Controlling Waste Every project is going to incur some waste, even when it comes to sustainable building. How much, however, is completely controllable and should be a vital consideration for your upcoming […]

Image of a sustainable building

CIF Guidance 2024/2025

The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) can provide vital funding to help ensure schools and academic buildings are up to standard. Due to the high demand for this funding, however, approximately only one third of applicants are successful each year. Only applications that address priority improvements whilst closely aligning with the CIF guidance will be successful. Although the 2024/2025 round is yet to be confirmed, it’s never too early to start considering your bid. Here’s a quick roundup of everything you need to know!  Who Can Apply? Depending on their size and type of institution, schools can either be eligible for […]

Classroom to depict the target consumer for our CIF guidance and bid writing services

RICS Accredited Surveyors

When it comes to purchasing a new home, the entire process can be a bit of a whirlwind. As one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make, it’s no wonder you’re looking for reassurance before signing on the dotted line. To help you make a more informed decision, we always recommend getting a comprehensive survey from RICS accredited surveyors. What is a Survey?   If you’re a first time buyer or inexperienced in property, this might be the first time you’re hearing about getting a survey. Carried out by RICS accredited surveyors prior to completing on a new home, a […]

Image of RICS accredited surveyors at work.