Munday and Cramer

All posts by Abdullah Ahmad

5 Common Issues Found During a Home Survey in 2024

For most people, buying a home is the largest financial investment they will make. As with any major financial decision, it’s crucial to minimise risks wherever possible. While you can’t foresee market fluctuations, a Homebuyer’s Survey allows buyers to uncover any hidden defects in the property. Many homebuyers don’t fully grasp the purpose and importance of obtaining a survey before purchasing a house. A Homebuyer’s Survey identifies issues that could cost thousands in repairs down the road. Here are five of the most common house survey problems people have to face: 1. Dampness Damp is one of the most common […]

A loose brick found during a home survey

National Apprenticeship Week 2024

What National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is All About National Apprenticeship Week is coming up from February 5th to 11th. This annual event celebrates the success of apprenticeships across the country. It’s a chance for companies and apprentices to recognize the benefits of apprenticeship programs in developing skills and knowledge. This year’s theme is “Skills for Life.” The goal is to showcase how apprenticeships allow individuals to gain abilities that will serve them throughout their careers. M&C’s Experience with Apprenticeships At Munday and Cramer, we strongly believe in the value of apprenticeships. We have offered degree apprenticeships for over five years […]

RICS - It's All About SME's - Apprentices Presentation

Fire Safety In Schools

Why do buildings need fire stopping solutions? Fire stopping products are used to prevent fire and smoke spreading through a building. Similarly, they help keep key areas such as fire exit corridors protected. Penetrations through walls etc. for infrastructure such as pipework, cables and gas pipes, if not properly fireproofed can allow smoke and fire to spread, however small the aperture! The Challenge: M+C helped their client secure CIF funding for fire stopping solutions to be implemented across their site. In conjunction with Cahill Design Consultants (CDC), a number of key issues that compromised fire safety were identified: Within the main teaching […]

Picture of Nullifier FS709 Sealant with M+C helmet with a zoom effect.