Munday and Cramer

Organic Architecture: Blending in is the new standing out

We’re all looking for ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint and make a positive impact within the world we live. Alongside the sustainability movement comes developments within the world of building design too, with organic architecture becoming an increasingly popular concept.

When it comes to designing a building, be it residential or commercial, it can be tricky to bring all your visions to life in one viable plan. Not to mention, you then need to consider planning permission and a plethora of other variables too. If you’re at the beginning of your project, it’s time to bring in a specialist team of architects!

What is organic architecture?

Organic architecture is vastly distinguishable from its traditional counterparts. This style places a heavy focus on utilising sustainable materials. In addition, it’s all about designing a building that is in keeping with its surrounding environment. These properties usually blend in with the habitat around them and may be hard to notice at first glance – quite the difference from typical modern building design!

Why should I consider organic architecture for my next build?

Many architects believe that organic architecture is the way forward and we would agree! Here at Munday + Cramer, we love getting creative with these kinds of projects. With a plethora of benefits, there’s no reason someone shouldn’t consider this style for their next build.


Although organic architecture is becoming increasingly popular here in the UK, examples of this style are still few and far between. For those of you looking to adopt this design type, this means you are able to reach a whole new level of unique with your new build. Bold, sustainable, and peculiar, this area of architecture allows individuals to put their own stamp on things. Not to mention, it serves as a great talking point with visitors!


Of course, the biggest benefit of this architecture type is sustainability. Organic buildings are designed with carbon footprint and emissions in mind. As such, they incorporate eco-friendly, local materials where possible to reduce the overall impact on the earth. Environmentally friendly materials used for these builds are also typically completely free of any harmful chemicals, finishes, and pollutants. This means better safety for you, your community, and the planet.


The cost of living crisis is greatly affecting many people across the UK, encouraging us to think outside the box for new ways of doing things. In fact, there’s never been a better time for you to review your homes energy sources and usage. This is a key element of consideration when it comes to implementing organic architecture practises during the design process, making efficiency yet another benefit of this architecture style.


Organic materials are often far more robust and durable than traditional materials, meaning minimal maintenance is required. Not only does this mean lower costs, but it also means your home will look fresher for longer.

Working with Munday + Cramer

Interested in working with us on your new project? For more information about organic architecture and how to get the ball rolling, contact our team today! You can reach us by clicking here.