What Does Grade 2 Listed Mean?
Navigating the world of listed properties can be tricky. Have you found yourself asking ‘what does grade 2 listed mean?’ and ‘what permission do I need to renovate?’. Whilst there is a wealth of information on the internet surrounding this topic, not all of it is easy to digest.
As architecture and surveying specialists, Munday + Cramer can offer expert advice and support with your listed building. In addition to these areas, we also have departments dedicated to procurement, facilities, bid writing, and project management. This can be a huge help when it comes to listed building projects!
What does Grade 2 listed mean?
In the UK, a ‘listed’ property is a structure that has certain restrictions placed on it. This puts limitations on the work that can be carried out on it. There are 3 different classifications of listed properties which include Grade I, Grade II, and Grade II*.
A Grade II building is a structure that is of special interest and as a result, must be preserved by law. This is the most common classification of listed building with 343,004 of these across England alone. A good example of this is Alexandra Palace in London, a Victorian entertainment venue. Meanwhile, Grade II* properties account for 21,768 of structures and there are 9,309 Grade I buildings.
What can’t you do to a grade 2 listed building?
If you own a listed building, you cannot demolish the property, change any special characteristics, or harm a structures stability.
Repairs, internal alterations, double glazing installations, extensions, and exposing brickwork/timbers are all examples of modifications that require consent. Whilst making your own mark on a new home or structure may be tempting, it’s important that you wait for the right permissions.
When googling things like ‘what does Grade 2 listed mean’ and ‘what work can I do on a listed building’, you are met with lots of confusing, jargon-heavy content. Speaking with a team of specialists like Munday + Cramer, can help you get clear advice in an easy to understand, palatable way.
What happens if I don’t get permission?
You must get permission from the relevant authorities to carry out work on any listed building. If you do not apply for consent and wait for this to be granted, you will be liable for the costings of restoring the property in question. What’s more, you can even serve time in prison and be subject to pay unlimited fines.
To carry out work on a listed building, a consent fee must be paid regardless of its classification. You will be liable for this if permission is granted. What’s more, the amount you need to pay depends on the scale of the project and the intended works.
What to do next…
If you’re still wondering what does Grade 2 listed mean, why not get in touch with our experts for more information? Munday + Cramer can provide detailed advice and guidance on the laws that surround property, architecture, and construction.
With so much red tape around what you can and can’t do to properties, it’s vital that you’re seeking help from a reputable architect. Our team have a wealth of experience across thousands of projects, allowing us to tackle any job. For more information on any of our services, give us a call today on 01245 326 200. You can also reach us by clicking here.
Listed Buildings, Residential Architects, Residential Surveyors, what does grade 2 listed mean?