Munday & Cramer are long-standing experts in supporting clients in securing funding to aid works of all types. We have particularly extensive experience in funding applications, have a proven track record of helping organisations such as schools, academies, nurseries and other public sector organisations prepare their applications for funding.
Munday & Cramer can assist clients with securing funds via a number of different schemes. This is dependent on your organisation type, as well as the type of project. These include:

Condition Improvement Fund (CIF)
The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) is an annual fund made available by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for eligible academies and sixth-form colleges and Voluntary Aided schools (VASCA). CIF is predominantly for schools to address significant condition-based property issues.

MAT School Condition Allowance (SCA)
Multi-academy trusts (MATs) with at least 5 academies and more than 3,000 pupils receive a School Condition Allocation to deploy strategically across their estate to address their priority maintenance and expansion needs.

Urgent Capital Support (UCS)
Academies, VA Schools and Sixth-Form colleges that are eligible for CIF, can also apply for the Urgent Capital Funding (UCS). This means that support can be requested as soon as the urgent condition appears.

We understand the challenges and opportunities schools face in preparing for T-Levels. Our funding expertise ensures that we can guide schools through the entire process of accessing funding for building improvements/alterations, including T-Level-specific grants.

Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme
As part of the Government’s plans to reduce the carbon emissions from public sector buildings by 75% by 2037, and Net Zero by 2050, a number of funding schemes have been introduced to support this.

School-based Nursery Capital Grant
DFE funding for assisting in the creation or expansion of nurseries across the UK.

Sports Funding
Investing in high-quality sports facilities is essential for promoting physical activity and well-being in schools and the community, and there are various funding opportunities available across the UK to support such projects.
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