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Tag: Medical Sector

The medical sector and the built environment
The medical sector is one which has very specific needs from the built environment. When building a doctors surgery, dentists or hospital, there will be the need to consider a number of complex functions when producing the design. In addition, the scientific advances seen recently, combined with our aging population mean that the shape of our requirements is changing significantly.

The Healthcare Technical Memoranda is a document which gives technical and practical advice. It covers the design, installation and operation of specialised building and engineering technology used in the delivery of health care. The memoranda covers all aspects of the building to ensure that services are provided safely and effectively.

Experience working within the sector, will therefore be a key factor in choosing an architectural/surveying practice.
Munday + Cramer’s experience
Essex based Munday + Cramer have experience in this area, having completed a number of refurbishment projects within the sector. Examples include work completed at the Elliott Hall Medical Centre in Pinner. Munday + Cramer were appointed to redesign the existing building, converting the roof space into an admin block. In addition, they made adaptations to the spaces in order for them to become more accessible for disabled patients. Furthermore, the second phase of the job was to create a large extension. As the practice provides teaching facilities for other local surgeries, the new extension allowed for the creation of a small lecture theatre as well as additional treatment rooms.

FaceMed in Crays Hill, Essex is another example of Munday + Cramer’s expertise in this sector. The practice created a new build cosmetic dental and aesthetic procedure surgery. The new building started with a brownfield site with an old church hall in situe. Munday + Cramer designed the new surgery to be sympathetic to the surrounding environment whilst also providing state of the art facilities.