Munday and Cramer

Tag Archives: Facilities management in Essex

Our practice offers extensive facilities management in Essex. Our comprehensive approach ensures that facilities are run to the highest of standards. Running a complex is a multi-faceted task, for it to run smoothly requires all processes running smoothly in tandem with one another. This means successful facilities management in Essex is a much more complicated discipline than some people may have previously imagined. Janitorial work, security measures, safety testing and many, many more features are all impingent on high-quality facility management. Our experience in overseeing the operations of facilities across the South-East region allows us to know what works and what doesn’t. People only notice the management of a facility when it goes wrong. By then, it’s too late.

Welcome the newest member of Munday & Cramer – Pedram Shirani

Welcome our newest team member – Pedram Shiran – Building Energy Analyst 2024 was as busy as ever, and while staff have been beavering away with the annual cycle of professional and project work our business development team has been readying the practice for our Knowledge Transfer Partnership project and the arrival of our newest graduate. We have been working with Innovate UK and Anglia Ruskin University under Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) grant funding to develop our energy & environmental services….watch this space in 2025! Who is Pedram?  Pedram is a Building Energy Analyst and has recently completed an MSc […]

Facilities Management: The Importance Of Saving Water (And Ways In Which You Can)

Today marks World Water Day 2021 and this year’s theme is valuing water. Fortunately, in this country, water has always been something we’ve been able to somewhat take for granted. It’s becoming increasingly apparent, however, that we have a collective global responsibility in how we use and value this most vital of resources. Not only do we all have a personal responsibility in reducing the amount of water we use in our daily lives, but businesses and the commercial sector have that responsibility, as well. With that in mind, the team here at Munday + Cramer, who provide facilities management […]

A picture of a tap to represent how facilities management professionals can look to better save water in commercial properties.

Spring Clean Maintenance Activities For Offices And Commercial Buildings Following A Hard Winter

For offices and other commercial facilities, the winter just gone was a particularly difficult one. Not only was the UK met by one of the coldest snaps in recent times (prompting the term Beast from the East #2 to do the rounds in national media outlets) but because of the third national lockdown, many of these buildings ended up being left unoccupied (or, at least, as good as) for several months. With that in mind, the team here at Munday + Cramer, a leading facilities management (FM) firm in Essex, wanted to look at some of the crucial checks and […]

Cleaning sign to represent facilities management tips for offices at the onset of spring

Facilities Management: 6 Autumn Tasks To Keep Your Building In Perfect Working Order

As the nights draw longer and the days grow colder, it can be all too easy for businesses to push their facility’s maintenance tasks to the bottom of the pile – a job to ‘get around to later’. However, this time of year, potentially more than any other, is when jobs such as these especially need to be carried out – both inside of a property, and out. The team here at Munday + Cramer, an Essex-based facilities management firm, wanted to walk you through some of the most important tasks to take care of this autumn, so that you […]

A picture depicting fallen autumn leaves to represent the facilities management work needed during the season.

Five Ways To Improve Workplace Health And Safety Standards

Here at Munday + Cramer, we recently penned a piece on adhering to updated health and safety measures upon returning to work post-lockdown. As National Safety Month rolls on, however, it’s important to be clued into health and safety best practices, more generally, for when the pandemic is firmly in our rear-view mirrors. Working in facilities management, we’ve learned that there are myriad ways in which workplace health and safety can be improved. Some of these may seem startlingly obvious, and yet you’d be surprised at how few workplaces actually implement them. With that in mind, we’ve compiled an overview […]

Facilities Management: Five Ways To Improve Workplace Health And Safety Standards

The Outbreak Of COVID-19 & The Relevance Of Thorough Facilities Management

The global outbreak of Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has become huge news over the past couple of months. Whilst it originally broke out in China’s Hubei province, the virus has proceeded to spread the world over. There have now been confirmed cases in six of the world’s seven continents – Antarctica, unsurprisingly, is the only exception. The UK has not been exempt from this outbreak. The number of confirmed cases across the United Kingdom is increasing daily. At the time of writing, there have been 18,083 people tested. Of this number, 17,968 returned negative tests, whilst 115 people have […]

The Importance Of Facilities Management During The COVID-19 Outbreak