2019/20 CIF Success – M+C reach new heights
Munday + Cramer have again surpassed expectation, and are pleased to announce yet another successful year of securing Condition Improvement Funding for our academy clients. In total, around 100 schemes, totalling over £38m has been secured for the 2019/20 CIF funding round for academies in the South-East, London and Home Counties.
The current round saw the ESFA’s spend reduce slightly to £433 million for 1,413 projects at 1,210 academies and sixth-form colleges. This means that Munday + Cramer successfully secured nearly 9% of the total UK fund. M+C’s level of success also sees an unprecedented growth of 72%. Associate Director, and Head of the funding team Lewis Barr noted “to achieve £38m for our academies is fantastic news. This is the first year of delivering CIF via a dedicated team, and fully validates the step by the business to invest heavily in this area”.
The Project Management team will now be working hard with academies and suppliers to mobilise these schemes for a very busy summer.
The Funding team are already hard at work developing schemes for the 2020/21 round of CIF, as well as supporting MAT SCA allocations and LCVAP Schemes.
Academies will be able to appeal decisions in due course. Munday + Cramer will be happy to assist any academies wishing to review bid submissions or to look at prospective 2020/21 bids, please call either 01245 326 200 or email info@mcessex.co.uk
bid applications, Bid Applications in Essex, Bid Applications in Kent, Bid Applications in London, CIF, Condition Improvement Fund