Munday and Cramer

Tag Archives: sustainable design

Eco-Friendly Architecture: Designing for a Greener Tomorrow

With technological advances moving as quick as they are, every industry is constantly evolving. This is especially true with many of us now more environmentally conscious than ever before. Over the last few years, we have played a part in lots of eco-friendly architecture projects and it’s safe to say they’re a firm favourite among our team! This being said, there are more elements to consider than you may at first think… 4 Considerations for Truly Sustainable Architecture Project  Eco-friendly architecture goes much further than being mindful of the materials being used. Below are 4 areas of consideration you may […]

Image to depict eco-friendly architecture

Sustainable Building: Reducing your carbon footprint

Every sector is striving to achieve greater levels of sustainability and the construction industry is no exception. According to a study, building a new house creates between 15 and 100 tons of carbon dioxide, contributing to the gradual decline of the planet. With advancements in technology and research, however, sustainable building is more accessible than ever. Below are just a few considerations for your next project. Reducing and Controlling Waste Every project is going to incur some waste, even when it comes to sustainable building. How much, however, is completely controllable and should be a vital consideration for your upcoming […]

Image of a sustainable building

Sustainable Design: Introducing more eco-friendly concepts around the home

With the cost-of-living crisis and global warming looming over all of our heads, sustainable design is something we should all be thinking about. As the years go by, more and more of our clients are opening up to the idea of exploring eco-friendly concepts around their home. In fact, they’re finding that it’s not quite as expensive or complicated as you might at first think! 5 sustainable design ideas to implement around your home Looking for some inspiration on how you can be more eco-friendly around your home? Below, our talented architecture team have put together a list of sustainable […]

Living room featuring sustainable design choices