Munday and Cramer

Tag Archives: Environmental Architecture

Whenever we design a project here at Munday + Cramer, we have environmental architecture in mind. It’s part of our long-standing commitment to sustainable practices. Gone are the days where projects would be completed without a moment’s thought for the environment. Nowadays, environmental architecture forms as big a part of a project’s overall design as anything else. At our practice, we’re continually looking to see where we can introduce more sustainable practices across all of our services. When infrastructure and buildings play as big a part in the world as they do, we can’t afford not to be more environmentally conscious.

4 Future Environmental Design Features of a Sustainable Home

The Future Home Standard (FHS) of 2025 looks to ensure new homes are producing 75-80% lower carbon emissions. This is in line with the UK government’s overarching objective of transitioning to a net-zero economy by 2050. With the built environment accounting for approximately 25% of the UK’s total emissions, this is a welcome change. The FHS looks to decarbonise new homes by focusing on reducing heat waste. They also encourage the improvement of heating and hot water technologies. This looks to be achieved in part by replacing current technologies with low-carbon alternatives. But what other future environmental design features can […]

Example of future environmental design

School Architecture: Reducing your carbon footprint

We’re all trying to do our bit to help the planet and the education sector is no exception. When it comes to school architecture, there are a multitude of ways you can work to reduce your carbon footprint right from the off. This means that not only are you able to inspire the next generation, but you’re also able to do so with little negative impact on their future. What is a carbon footprint? Your carbon footprint is a measurement of how much greenhouse gas is produced through the daily activities of an individual, school, organisation, or community. In the […]

Image of school architecture

Environmental Building: How to make your property more eco-friendly

If there is any hope of transitioning to a net-zero economy by 2050, everyone must play their part. Whilst actions like recycling and taking public transport are valuable, alone, they are insufficient. If we want to make a significant impact, substantial change is necessary. Environmental building is a great way of turning these ambitions into reality. The issue is, however, that 80% of the buildings that will exist in 2050 already exist today. As such, if there is any hope of reaching these sustainable targets, it falls to homeowners to make necessary changes. But how can they go about doing […]

Image of solar panels, a popular option for environmental building

How Architecture Can Help to Save Water in the Home 

Following in the footsteps of climate change and reducing our carbon footprint, saving water is slowly making its way into the public consciousness as a serious topic. Potable water (water that is safe to ingest) makes up just 3% of the total volume of water on Earth and is a finite resource. To ensure there is safe water for future generations, we need to start looking at ways to save water now, before it’s too late.   Whilst the issue needs to be tackled on a global scale, we can all start by looking closer to home. As an architectural firm […]

How architecture can help to save water in the home

How Architecture Can Help Children’s Creativity And Mental Health

This year, Children’s Mental Health Week is taking place between the 1st and 7th of February. The theme in 2021? Express Yourself. Children across the UK have had a pretty rough time as of late. The various lockdowns have prevented the normal kinds of social stimulation so vital for childhood and teenage development. That’s why – arguably more than ever before – we need to look for greater and more varied ways in which our younger generations can express themselves. The built environment has a big part to play in that; whether in our schools, our public spaces or anywhere […]

Two young children smiling to represent how architecture can help young people's mental health.