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Over £22 Million In CIF Funding Secured For Academies In 2018/9 Round

Munday + Cramer have once again beaten the odds, securing in excess of £22 million in funding from the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF). The Education and Skills Funding Agency recently announced the results of the annual funding round. An unprecedented £1.3 billion was requested across across 3,800 projects! In total 1556 schemes were funded for 1299 academies and sixth-form colleges, amounting to £514 million. Of this, £38 million was funded using the Healthy Pupils Capital Fund (HPCF), designated to help improve children and young people’s physical and mental health.

The Condition Improvement Fund is dedicated to supporting academies, free schools and sixth-form colleges with condition-based maintenance issues, and a smaller number of expansion schemes to assist successful, growing schools.

Munday + Cramer again achieved an admirable success within the Condition Improvement Fund. Of the £22 million, numerous condition-related were schemes were funded, along with a number of expansion schemes, including a new-build in excess of £4 million. Lewis Barr, who heads M+C’s CIF team noted: “CIF has become increasingly competitive. Success rates are on a par with last year, but the total number of bids received by the ESFA highlight the importance of submitting strong bids”.

Academies will be able to appeal decisions later in the month. Munday + Cramer will be happy to assist any academies wishing to review bid submissions or to look at prospective 2019/20 bids.




Academies, CIF, Condition Improvement Fund, Education and Skills Funding Agency, ESFA, Free Schools, Sixth Form Colleges