Heat in the kitchen with M+C’s charity Bake Off
For the second successive year, Munday + Cramer’s staff dumped their hard hats and donned their pinnies to compete in a bake off! Joining Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, staff competed to create the best cake at a coffee and cake morning to raise much-needed funds for the cancer support charity.
Colleagues and contractors enjoyed a fun couple of hours tasting all of the cakes and catching up after a very busy summer for the multi-disciplinary architectural, building surveying and property management practice.
Karen Lilley, Munday + Cramer’s Office Manager organised the event and noted “it’s great to support Macmillan again with their coffee morning, and it’s nice to create some healthy competition in the office for more fun!”. Noting the importance of Macmillan, Karen continues “as well as a good opportunity to have some fun, raising funds for Macmillan is vital for them to continue their mission. Nowadays, one in two people will suffer some form of cancer in their lifetime, meaning we are all likely to know someone who’s suffered and has hopefully been supported by Macmillan”.
Following lots of imbibing, staff and contractors all voted for their favourite cakes. With the votes in and counted (and a minor steward’s enquiry), Senior Surveyor Adam Bryan was proclaimed the winner with his classic Victoria Sponge. As well as Adam winning a bottle of bubbles, Macmillan also won, with £822 raised for the charity, more than double last year’s figure.