Munday and Cramer

Tag Archives: decarbonisation

Everything You Need To Know About Decarbonisation in 2024

What is decarbonisation? Decarbonisation is a crucial process in the fight against climate change. It all about reducing the amount of carbon emissions and other greenhouse gas emissions, such as electricity generation, transportation, and industrial processes. By transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, implementing energy-efficient practices, and adopting low-carbon technologies, we can mitigate the impact of human activities on the environment and work towards a more sustainable future for our planet as per the governments ‘net zero strategy.‘ Why does it matter? Climate change is an urgent global challenge that demands immediate action, and we must take steps […]

5 Ways to Reduce Your Schools Carbon Emissions

As part of the UK’s binding commitment to reach net zero by 2050 all public sector organisations are required to put in measures to help. Here are five effective strategies that schools can implement to minimise their carbon footprint: 1. Switch to LED: LED Lighting is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions is to transition to LED lighting throughout your facilities. LED bulbs use up to 90% less energy than traditional bulbs and can last up to 25 times longer, substantially cutting down on replacement costs and maintenance. Making this simple […]

The UK’s plan to bring down the cost of green heating

This week the government announced their new incentive to install more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, domestic heating systems. £450million has been allocated to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, with the aim to entice people to replace old boilers with low-carbon alternatives such as electric heat pumps. Currently, these systems are more expensive than boilers, so to bring down the costs to make them comparable with new boilers the government are offering £5,000 grants to homeowners that choose to make the switch.  The numbers work out to provide funding for 90,000 grants over the 3 years, so anyone that is interested in this fund will need to […]

The decarbonisation of green heating systems