Here are 5 Top Tips When Viewing a House
Moving to a new home is an exciting but challenging experience. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking to buy a second home, it’s crucial to approach the process with care and attention to detail. This guide offers five essential tips to help you make the most of your house-hunting adventure and ensure you’re making a well-informed decision on your new property.
Loft Spaces
Firstly, don’t underestimate the importance of exploring the loft space during your house viewing. This often-overlooked area can reveal hidden facts about a property’s overall condition and potential. Whilst in the loft pay close attention to the insulation quality. Adequate insulation is not just keeping you warm, it’s a critical component in maintaining energy efficiency and keeping utility bills down. While you’re up there, try and examine the roof timbers. Any signs of rot or deterioration could be a red flag, indicating costly repairs down the line. Additionally, assess the overall space, could this area be transformed into additional living space in the future and adding value to your property?
Damp Issues
Damp issues are one of the common issues in UK homes, if unchecked they can cause high levels of damage. Keep an eye out for moisture problems; damp on walls and ceilings, such as discolouration, peeling wallpaper or flaking paint. Pay particular attention to any bad odours, especially in basements or ground floor rooms, as these can be a sign of hidden damp problems. Don’t hesitate to feel the walls. If they’re cold or clammy to the touch, this could be another red flag signalling potential damp issues.
Window and Doors
The condition of a home’s windows and doors plays a crucial role in both security and energy efficiency. During your visit, make sure to open and close all doors and windows to check for any faults. Sticky fixtures can be more than just a fault; they can compromise your home’s security and lead to increased energy consumption, if not sealed properly. For properties with double-glazed windows, look closely for signs of condensation between the panels. This could indicate a failed seal and lead to fogging. Security should be a top priority, ensure that all locks are functioning properly. A home with well-maintained doors and windows not only provides better security but can potentially lower your insurance costs.
Electrics and Plumbing
Whilst this might not always be possible, it’s worth checking the home’s electrics and plumbing. Start by turning light switches on and off in each room to ensure they all work well. With the owner’s permission, test power outlets by plugging in a phone charger – this can reveal issues with the electrical system. To assess the quality of the plumbing in the property use the taps to assess water pressure and the speed at which hot water is delivered. You can also to flush toilets to check they’re in good working order.
Book an RICS Survey
Booking a RICS survey can help give you a peace of mind and financial security. A qualified surveyor has the skills and experience to identify potential issues that may not be noticed straight away. They can help can spot structural problems, hidden damp, and other significant issues that could impact the property’s value and condition. Furthermore, a surveyor’s report can serve as a negotiating tool if issues are uncovered. For older properties or if you’re planning major renovations, consider a structural survey. This comprehensive assessment can provide a deeper understanding of the property’s condition and help you make a more informed decision.
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Here at Munday + Cramer, we help both businesses and individuals alike to make smarter decisions when it comes to property buying. What’s more, outside of surveying, we also have departments specialising in architecture, procurement, facilities, and project management.